How can I find general information about the role of school boards in Pennsylvania?
The PA School Boards Association (PSBA) has put together a School Boards 101 page to share general information about school boards in Pennsylvania.
Can members of the public speak at board meetings?
Yes. There is designated time at board meetings for public comment following the guidelines provided in Board Policy #903 Public Participation in Board Meetings.
Where can I find information if I am interested in seeking election to the school board?
Please visit their How To Run for School Board page for information about the election process and the roles and responsibilities of school board members. Note that Penn Cambria School District operates under an “at-large” election plan.
What principles guide school directors?
Principles of Governance and Leadership Penn Cambria School District Board of Directors devote hours each month to the challenging and complex responsibilities of board business, including voting on budgets, adopting policy and conducting comprehensive planning. School directors are unpaid, elected public officials.
The Penn Cambria School Board, also has taken the step of adopting the PSBA Principles for Governance and Leadership – a framework of action steps designed to increase boards’ effectiveness. Research shows that school board actions have a direct effect on student achievement. Therefore, it is crucial that boards engage in actions the increase their effectiveness, for the betterment of the students they serve. Go to to read the Principles and to see a list of Pennsylvania public school boards that have adopted them.