Our 24-25 Pre-K Counts program is currently fully enrolled.  Families can still contact us to be placed on a wait list if any slots open up.

Applications for the 2025-2026 program will be accepted until April 11, 2025.  Income verification must be provided with the application.

APPLICATION FORM: 2025-26 PA Pre-K Counts Application Families

You can also call 814-886-8121 if you would like a paper copy of the application.  Applications with income verification can be returned to 201 6th Street, Cresson, PA 16630.

Pending receipt of continued state funding, Penn Cambria plans to offer a full-day Pre-K Counts program with transportation provided during the school year.  Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts offers eligible families quality preschool at no cost to help children learn the skills they need to be ready for kindergarten.  The Penn Cambria Pre-K Counts program offers a highly qualified teacher and teacher aide who have extensive experience working with young children.  We offer a small class size of 17 and a curriculum and learning activities that help children thrive.  In addition, parents are provided with information throughout the program regarding the child’s progress and development.

Since this is a grant program funded by the PA Department of Education, information regarding the availability of the program and definite enrollment won’t be available until after the district receives notification of grant funding for 2025-2026. Penn Cambria will request grant funds to continue the current program which offers 17 slots.   Please note that all information provided is based on current guidance from Pre-K Counts and is subject to change based on updated state guidance.

Who Is Eligible?

  1. To be eligible to apply, students must be age 4 on or before August 31st.
  2.  Families must meet the income definition of “at-risk” which is defined as at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.  Please see below for these income guidelines.
  3. Families must live within the boundaries of the Penn Cambria School District.  If the program is not fully enrolled by the opening day of the school year, other applicants will be considered. However, no transportation will be provided for children living outside district boundaries.

What If There Are More Than 17 Applicants?

**The following enrollment selection criteria will be used when the number of eligible applications received exceeds the number of available slots.  Initial Deadline for 25-26 Applications is April 11, 2025.  All applicants received by the deadline will then be prioritized using the preference criteria below.

Prioritization for our program is given to the following:

  • 1 point = Children from families that are below 250% of the federal poverty level but above 100% (not eligible for Head Start)
  • 1 point = Children of incarcerated parents
  • 1 point = Children who receive protective services (CYS) or in foster/kinship care
  • 1 point = Children with an IEP/and or behavioral services
  • 1 point = Children to teen mothers
  • 1 point – Children who are homeless
  • 0.25 point = Education level of guardian (does not have high school diploma/GED)
  • 0.25 point = English Language Learner
  • 0.25 point = Migrant student

Seventeen anticipated slots will be filled with students with highest numbers of prioritization points first.  Then income prioritization is used if necessary to fill remaining slots with prioritization given to lowest poverty level percentages.  Any applications received before the initial deadline that do not receive a slot will be placed on a wait list based on this prioritization plan and informed of their position on the wait list.

Applications received after the initial deadline will be added to the wait list on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Families will be notified of their position on the wait list.


Can I See the Classroom and Meet the Teacher?
We plan to offer families interested in applying for the program an opportunity to see the classroom and meet the teacher on Wednesday, April 2, 2025.  Open House hours for Pre-K Counts are from 4pm and 7pm.

How Do I Apply?

The application form is available for download at the top of this page or by calling 886-8166 or 886-8121. You must provide income verification when you submit your application (see below for additional information).  Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding state requirements for income verification.

Please return your completed application to
Penn Cambria Administrative Office
ATTN: Pre-K Counts
201 6th Street
Cresson , PA 16630
If you have questions please phone: 814-886-8121


Federal Income Guidelines for 2025


Family Size 100% 250% 300% – Maximum for Pre-K Counts Eligibility
1 15,650 39,125 46,950
2 21,150 52,875 63,450
3 26,650 66,625 79,950
4 32,150 80,375 96,450
5 37,650 94,125 112,950
6 43,150 107,875 129,450
7 48,650 121,625 145,950
8 54,150 135,375 162,450

Verifying Income For Pre-K Counts

Child Care Works
If you are already participating in Child Care Works or are on a waiting list for Child Care Works, you can just submit the Eligibility Detail Page available from the CCIS.  Contact us if you are not sure how to request this document from CCIS.

Whose income is Counted?

  1. The parent or caretaker of the child
  2. A parent’s or caretaker’s spouse
  3. Children’s, excluding earned income (employment earnings of minor)

Note:  A veteran’s service-connected disability benefit payment is excluded from income calculations.

To Document Income:

  1. Earned Income: W-2 forms, IRS form for reporting tips, pay stubs (at least two recent), a written employer statement of anticipated earnings, or other document that establishes earnings or anticipated earnings from employment
  2. Self-Employment: tax returns, business records or other documents establishing profit from self-employment
  3. Unearned Income: copy of current benefit check (SSI, TANF, Unemployment compensation, etc.), award letter that shows amount of grant or benefit, a bank statement showing interest,  a court order, or other document or database report that establishes the amount of unearned income.
  4. Child Support: If a family receives or pays child support, please provide documentation showing amount.  The eligibility agency shall verify the amount of support received or paid by the family by documents from the Department of Public Welfare.


Please feel free to call us if you have additional questions at 886-8121.  Detailed guidance we received from the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) may allow us to answer your questions.