Ms. Jenny Damin, RN, Certified School Nurse
Ms. Courtney Johnson, RN, Certified School Nurse
Ms. Bethany Vinglas, RN, Health Room Assistant
Ms. Lauren Douglas, LPN, Health Room Assistant
Ms. April Rose, LPN, Health Room Assistant
Type 1 Diabetes Parent Fact Sheet
Schools should expect students and staff to get sick during the school year: When students or anyone in direct contact with students get sick, schools should follow the following guidelines: Exclusion of sick students or staff: Fever, especially with a new rash or behavioral changes. Persistent vomiting. Persistent diarrhea. Diarrhea that causes ‘accidents,’ is bloody, or is more than two bowel movements above what is ‘normal’ for the person in 24 hours. Sores that are draining fluid and cannot be...
Please send a copy of your child's vaccine record anytime you child receives additional vaccines. Your interest and participation in our effort to provide a sound school health program is appreciated. SIR8.pdf (
Health plans need to be renewed each school year. This includes emergency health plans, allergy health plans, asthma health plans, diabetes health plans, seizure action plans, special procedure orders, medical excuses (such as for physical education class), and medication orders. Please return to the nurse as soon as possible. If your child has an order to self-carry and self-administer a rescue inhaler, epi-pen or insulin, the above forms must be on file with the school health services. In addition, your...
Physical Examination and Dental Examination Requirement In preparing for the 2024-2025 School Year, students need the following examinations completed and returned to the school nurse by September 15th, 2024: Physical Examination (pre-k, kindergarten, 6th & 11th grades, and transfer students from another state) Dental Examination (pre-k, kindergarten, 3rd & 7th grades) Parents/guardians are urged to have these examinations done by their healthcare providers because they will have a better knowledge of the past history of the child and will be in...
Under Act 105 of 2018, you child will be permitted to bring/apply sunscreen products in school if you complete and submit the sunscreen form provided here to your child's school. Sunscreen Use Parent Form In addition, all students will be permitted to use sun-protective clothing (ex: hats) while outdoors. All sun-protective clothing must follow dress code guidelines.
Every student who has asthma needs to have an Asthma Management Plan on file with the school nurse. An Asthma Inhalers Self-Administration by Students Form is available in the health office.
In accordance with school policy, medication(s) should be given at home before and/or after school. However, when this is not possible, prior to receiving the medication at school, each student must provide the school nurse with a Medication Administration Consent form signed by the student's parent/guardian and a Medication Order from a licensed prescriber. This applies to all medication whether it is over-the-counter or a prescription. All medications must be in an original prescription bottle/container from a pharmacy and brought into school by a...
Learn more about screenings and exam requirements for each grade level as set by the PA Department of Health. A physical exam is required for grades K, 6, & 11 as well as any new student entering a PA school for the first time. (private physical form available for download on website) A dental exam is required for grades K, 3, & 7 as well as any new student entering a PA school for the first time. (private dental form available...