The announcements below represent current cases that are included in the building 14-day rolling average. Information related to persons that were not in a building during the infectious period will not be included.
PCPP, PCP, and PCI are classified as small buildings and will be required to close if two cases are reported in a 14-day period.
PCMS and PCHS are classified as medium buildings and will be required to close if four cases are reported in a 14-day period.
Should building closures become necessary, family notifications will occur via School Messenger.
5/19/21 High School Move to Full Remote
COVID positive cases have been added to our 14-day rolling average over the last two days at PC High School. As a result, the High School will move to full […]
5/18/21 Additional HS Case
Penn Cambria High School was notified today of a second positive COVID-19 test result of a student in the building during the infectious period. The student was last in the […]
5/18/21 High School Positive Case
Penn Cambria High School was notified today of a positive COVID-19 test result of a student in the building during the infectious period. The student was last in the building […]
5/14/21 Middle School Case Notification
Penn Cambria Middle School was notified of a positive COVID-19 test result of a student in the building during the infectious period. The student was last in the building on […]
5/7/21 High School Positive Case
Penn Cambria High School was notified last night of a positive COVID-19 test result of a student in the building during the infectious period. The student was last in the […]
5/6/21 Pre-K Counts Classroom Moves to Full Remote
Due to the number of Pre-K Counts staff and students currently in quarantine or isolation due to COVID, the Pre-K Counts classroom will be operating virtually starting this Friday, May […]
5/5/21 Pre-Primary Positive Case
Penn Cambria Pre-Primary School was notified of a positive COVID-19 test result of a staff member. The staff member was last in the building on 5/4/21. Close contacts are being […]
4/30/21 Primary School Case
Penn Cambria Primary School was notified of a positive COVID-19 test result of a staff member. The staff member was last in the building on 4/28/21. Close contacts have been […]
4/26/21 PC Elementary Schools Move to Full Remote
Dear PC Elementary School Families, We received notification of additional COVID positive cases in our elementary buildings this morning. As a result, the Pre-Primary, Primary and Intermediate buildings will […]
4/23/21 Middle School Positive Case
Penn Cambria Middle School was notified today of a positive COVID-19 test result of a staff member. The staff member was last in the building on 4/23/21. Any identified close […]