COVID Dashboard
4/23/21 Primary School Case
Penn Cambria Primary School was notified today of a positive COVID-19 test result of a staff member. The staff member was last in the building on 4/22/21. Close contacts have […]
04/22/21 Intermediate Positive Case
Penn Cambria Intermediate School was notified today of a positive COVID-19 test result of a student. The student was last in school on 4/19/21. Close contacts have been notified individually […]
4/22/21 Middle School Positive Cases
Penn Cambria Middle School has been notified of two positive COVID-19 test results of students who were in the building during the infectious period. The students were last in the […]
4/21/21 High School Positive Case
Penn Cambria High School was notified this evening of a positive COVID-19 test result of a student in the building during the infectious period. The student was last in the […]