COVID Dashboard
5/19/21 High School Move to Full Remote
COVID positive cases have been added to our 14-day rolling average over the last two days at PC High School. As a result, the High School will move to full […]
5/18/21 Additional HS Case
Penn Cambria High School was notified today of a second positive COVID-19 test result of a student in the building during the infectious period. The student was last in the […]
5/18/21 High School Positive Case
Penn Cambria High School was notified today of a positive COVID-19 test result of a student in the building during the infectious period. The student was last in the building […]
5/14/21 Middle School Case Notification
Penn Cambria Middle School was notified of a positive COVID-19 test result of a student in the building during the infectious period. The student was last in the building on […]