Dear Penn Cambria Families,

This morning we were notified of a positive COVID-19 test result of a Penn Cambria Middle School student.

We have initiated contact with the PA Department of Health for additional guidance and to complete the contact tracing process.   Families of any students who are identified as close contacts are currently being notified.

We would like to take a moment to thank our staff and our students for their continued diligence in social distancing and mask wearing in our buildings.

We would also like to thank our families for their cooperation in monitoring for symptoms, keeping students home when ill, and communicating with us during these challenging days.  If, at any time, you unsure about when your child should return to school, please contact our school nursing offices for additional information.

We know these communications have been occurring frequently, but we want to provide our Panther community with updated information to avoid the spread of misinformation or rumors.


William W. Marshall