Dear Penn Cambria Families,

This afternoon, we were notified of a positive COVID-19 test result of an office employee at Penn Cambria Middle School.

We immediately contacted the PA Department of Health for guidance.  That employee and any known close contacts related to school have been already notified.  Currently, we do not believe that any additional staff or students will need to quarantine as a result.  However, we are awaiting final guidance from the Department of Health epidemiology team at this time.  If any additional actions are recommended, we will provide an update.

Penn Cambria Middle School is being deep cleaned with an extra emphasis on the main office area.  It is important that all members of our Penn Cambria family continue to self-monitor for symptoms. If any of the well-documented symptoms of COVID-19 are present, please contact your medical provider.

Remember to continue to wear your mask, maintain social distance, wash your hands frequently, and stay home when you are not feeling well. Please do everything possible to stay safe and be healthy.

William W. Marshall

October_27_2020_COVID Update