Penn Cambria Elementary
Student Support Team Process
The goals of the Penn Cambria Elementary Student Support Team (SST) are to:
- Attempt to resolve the student’s learning/behavior problems in regular education.
- Provide support for the classroom teacher in addressing the student’s needs.
- Gain input and support of parents in solving the problem.
- Assist in collecting progress monitoring data and attempting interventions in regular education prior to referring a student for special education evaluation. This is a legal requirement.
Members of the Team
The Student Support Team consists of the principal, school psychologist, guidance counselor, referring teacher, other classroom teachers, Title I teacher, and parents. Other school staff members are invited as appropriate. The guidance counselor or building principal serves as the chairperson and leads the meeting.
Location of Meetings
PCPP – Conference Room
PCP – Conference Room
PCI – Guidance Room
Pre-SST Process
Teachers are to follow the Pre-SST process:
- Document concern.
- At-Risk meeting with building principal to discuss possible interventions.
- Three (3) documented contacts with parent/guardian (phone, email, or meeting).
- Document interventions attempted and response to interventions for a minimum of 20 school days.
- Continue interventions if progress is being made. If no progress, refer to SST.
Referral for SST
- Initiate SST process by completing Student Support Team Referral Form is to be completed by referring teacher(s) and guidance counselor. All relevant information from school record/school nurse should be compiled on form.
- If possible, completed SST form should be sent to team members prior to day of scheduled meeting.
- Guidance counselor contacts parent/guardian to set up SST meeting. Key points during parent/guardian contact should include:
- Briefly explain nature of concern (parent/guardian should already be aware due to previous contact by teacher)
- Purpose of Student Support Team meeting is to work together to come up with interventions
- SST meeting usually lasts about 30 minutes. A follow-up meeting is usually scheduled about 6 weeks later.
SST Meeting Protocol
- Guidance counselor (or building principal) will serve as the facilitator/chairperson of meeting.
- Begin meeting by thanking parent for attending and have all team members introduce themselves.
- Explain the purpose of the meeting.
- Goal is to work together to improve student’s school performance
- Referring teacher should identify student’s strengths and specific concerns (academic/behavioral)
- Based on primary concern(s), teacher/team sets measurable goals (academic/behavioral) for Action Plan
- Team brainstorms interventions. Team facilitator/guidance counselor completes Action Plan/Interventions form during the meeting
- Attempt to keep the meeting to 30 minutes or less
- Establish date for the follow-up meeting approximately 30 school days after the initial meeting (about 6 weeks).
- Copies of the Action Plan should be distributed to all team members. If parent/guardian is not in attendance, guidance counselor (or principal) should contact them to explain meeting outcome and send them Action Plan.
SST Review Meeting
- Counselor will call to remind parent/guardian 1-2 days before the follow up meeting.
- At meeting, review goals and results of interventions
- SST determines whether to continue interventions, modify/change interventions, schedule another follow-up/review meeting, or refer for evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services
- SST Progress Review form will be completed during the second meeting and copies given to team members