Parents/Students: If you wish to get a head start and purchase items for your classes prior to school starting, the following list are items needed for classes for the 2024-2025 school year:

6th Grade

Mrs. Smorto (6th Grade Math) – Binder, loose leaf paper, dry erase markers, glue stick, folder, and highlighters.

Mrs. Smorto (6th Grade ELA) – Binder, loose leaf paper, dry erase markers, crayons/colored pencils, glue stick, folder, and highlighters

Mrs. Mento (6th Grade ELA) – Highlighters, Dry Erase Markers, Glue Stick, and 2″ binder with paper.

Mr. Felus (6th Grade Science & Social Studies) – Notebooks, Pencils, Highlighters.

Mrs. Tomaselli (6th Grade Science) – Pencils, Folder, Notebook, Highlighters

Mr. Yogus (6th Grade Science) – Notebook, Folder, Pencils, Highlighters.

7th Grade

Mrs. Warner (7th Grade ELA) – Folder, 3-Subject Notebook, Highlighters and Dry Erase Markers.

Mrs. Montag (7th Grade ELA) – 2-3″ 3-Ring Binder, 5 Dividers, Paper, and Highlighters.

Mr. Yogus (7th Grade Science) – Notebook, 3-Ring Binder, Pencils, Highlighters.

Mr. K. Watt (7th Grade Math) – Notebook, Folder, and Pencils.

Mr. D. Link (7th Grade Social Studies) – Notebook, Folder, Pencils, Colored Pencils.

8th Grade

Mrs. Comstock (8th Grade ELA) – Notebook, Folder, Pencils, and Highlighters.

Mrs. Montag (8th Grade ELA) – 2-3″ 3-Ring Binder, 5 Dividers, Paper, and Highlighters.

Mrs. Walters (8th Grade Math) – 1.5″ Binder, Composition Book, Loose Leaf Paper or 1-Subject Notebook, Pencils.

Mrs. Evans (8th Grade Social Studies) – 3-Subject Notebook, Folder, Highlighters, Colored Pencils, Pens/Pencils.

Mr. Tomaselli (8th Grade Science) – Pencils, Folder, Notebook, Highlighters


Mrs. Barlick (Family & Consumer Science) – Two Pocket Folder

Mrs. Show (Music) – Pocket Folder, Pencils, Headphones or Earbuds (Not Wireless).

Mrs. Buck (Girls PE/Health) – Shorts, T-Shirt, Sneakers, and Deodorant.

Mr. Simone (Boys PE/Health) – Shorts, T-Shirt, Sneakers, and Deodorant.

Mrs. Haberkorn (Computer Applications) – Folder

Mrs. Weakland (Art) – Wooden Pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser, and ruler. Optional: set of colored pencils (Prismacolor is best).

Mr. Edgell (Tech Ed.) – Pencils, Folder, and Notebook.

Mrs. Stombaugh (Band) – Folder and Pencils