
Dear PC High School Families,

We have reached five COVID cases after the weekend on our 14-day rolling case count.  As a result, the high school will move to full remote instruction from Tuesday April 13th through Thursday April 15th.  This only impacts the high school building.  All other buildings will be open and operating on a normal schedule.

We plan for students to return to the high school for face-to-face instruction on Friday, April 16th.

All high school extra-curricular activities, including practices and tutoring, are cancelled starting today, April 12th and will be cancelled through Thursday April 15th.

A meal distribution for these days will be available on Tuesday for any high school family that is interested from 12:30-1:30 pm outside the high school building.

High School students should log in to Canvas to get the Zoom schedule and lessons for the day.  The lessons and schedule will be available by 8 am in Canvas.  All work is due by Sunday evening.

During this time, it is very important that families not send students to school if they are experiencing COVID-like symptoms or if they have been in close contact with a COVID positive individual.   Thank you for your continued cooperation as we work to keep our schools open for face-to-face instruction.

William Marshall