February 1, 2021
Dear Families,

We continue to review guidance from both our state and our national leaders as we also track COVID’s impact on our Penn Cambria staff and students.    At this time, the district has approved a plan to return to full face-to-face instruction for all students grades PK-12 on Tuesday, February 16, 2021.

Penn Cambria Cyber Academy will continue to be an option for families that want their child to be fully virtual.  Please see our website and contact your child’s school counselor or building principal if you would like more information.

  • Screen for Symptoms– It is critical that families keep children home when they are ill or exhibiting any COVID-like symptoms. It is also important to follow quarantine and isolation guidance should anyone in your family be exposed to COVID-19. If you have questions, you can contact our school nurses for additional information about when your child should return to school.
  • Mask/Face Coverings – Masking requirements will be strictly enforced for the safety of everyone in our buildings and on buses. Please help us keep students in our school buildings by supporting this requirement.  Students will continue to be permitted to have short, designated mask breaks.  Students must be at least 6 ft apart during the mask break.
  • Social Distancing – We will maintain social distancing in our buildings to the maximum extent possible.
  • Bus Transportation – Masking will be required on school buses. Bus windows will likely be cracked open to increase outside ventilation.  Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately.  Parents are encouraged to drop off/pick up children when possible to increase distancing on our buses.
  • Dress in Layers – We will continue to encourage staff to open windows in classrooms to increase outdoor air ventilation whenever possible. Please dress your child in layers so that he/she can be comfortable.
  • Potential DOH Mandated Closures – We must follow the current Department of Health (DOH) and Department of Education guidance regarding building closures based on positive case counts. Please be prepared for sudden transitions to full remote learning which may last between 3-14 days.
  • After-School Tutoring – We will continue to provide after-school tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Middle School and High School.   At the elementary level individual classroom teachers and Title 1 staff will provide individual assistance to students as we transition back to face-to-face instruction.
  • Meals – Meals will continue to be available for pick up for PC Cyber Academy families and non-school age children. Weekend meals will also continue to be available for students through carry home or pick up on Fridays. Details will be posted to our website.
  • Staffing Needed– We continue to need substitute teachers, substitute paraprofessionals, and substitute support staff especially when faced with extended quarantine of staff members. If you or someone you know can help, please contact our main office for application information.

Thank you for your continued patience!


William W. Marshall
