January 20, 2021

We are very excited to welcome students back to our buildings starting next week, starting with Group B students on Monday/Tuesday and Group A students on Thursday/Friday.   Please see below for a few important reminders.

  • Masks/Face Coverings – Everyone must wear a mask or face covering. The PA Department of Health recommends a cloth face covering. However, a face shield is an allowable alternative if wearing a face covering isn’t possible.  Under current state masking guidance, students will continue to be permitted to have short, designated mask breaks. Students must be 6 ft apart during the mask break.
  • Dress in Layers – Science has now focused on the importance of improving ventilation in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Harvard University recommends opening windows, even to a small degree, as a simple strategy to improve air quality, even in the winter.  We will be encouraging faculty and staff to crack open windows to increase outdoor air ventilation whenever possible.  We know it is winter and we won’t allow our classrooms to become unreasonably cold. However, please have your child dress in layers so that he/she can be comfortable.   This will also apply to school buses as well.
  • Screen for Symptoms – Please remember to screen your child for symptoms every day and do not send your child to school if he/she is exhibiting any COVID-like symptoms or if your child has been in contact with anyone with COVID-19. Our nursing staff can help you determine when it is safe to return to school.
  • Wednesday Remote Learning Support – Families may sign up for Wednesday remote lesson support sessions by using the online form on our website or calling your child’s school before noon each Monday.
  • Remote Lesson Due Date- All remote lessons for the week (Group A or Group B) must be completed by Sunday night each week for both attendance and grading purposes.

Please remember to contact your child’s school anytime you have questions.  We are here to help!