All students/families that have questions about classroom activities should email or Canvas message the classroom teacher directly. All faculty and staff are reporting to school buildings during normal work hours and teachers will be able to respond during that time. If families have general questions, please contact the building directly.
Thursday November 19th
All students should login to Canvas to complete the designated remote lessons for this day.
Friday November 20th – Tuesday December 22nd
All students (including Group A and Group B students) will participate each school day.
Teachers will offer some portion of their lesson during the regularly scheduled class time live via Zoom or Teams each day. Students should check their Canvas course for information about times and for links to the sessions. Students participating in these sessions will be marked present for the day.
Elementary students will have reading, math, and a special (art, computers, PE, library, music) lesson available live each day. Science and social studies will be asynchronous in Canvas.
Middle school students will continue to operate on an odd/even schedule and all students must participate in lessons for period 1-3-5-7 classes on odd days and 2-4-6-8 classes even days. Teachers will post schedules and dates in Canvas to help track the odd/even day schedule. It will also be posted on the Middle School website for reference as needed. November 20th is an even day. November 23rd will be an odd day.
Students that are unable to attend the live sessions will still have the opportunity to complete the remote lesson for that day in Canvas for attendance and grading using the same five-day due date we have been using for remote learning.
Item / Textbook Pick Up
Any student that needs to pick up necessary items from school after Wednesday may call the school building to make arrangements for pick up. Individuals that are currently on quarantine should send another individual to pick up the items.
Meal Distribution
Meal pick-ups will be available at PCHS, PCMS, and PCI from 12:30 – 1:30 pm on Mondays and Thursdays starting this Thursday, November 19th. Pre-Ordering meals is not required but appreciated for us to best prepare and serve our community. The link for the meals is on the main page of the Penn Cambria website. If you have any questions, please call Angela Focht at 814-886-7753 Ext 6.
Due to the Thanksgiving, meal distribution for next week will be on Monday & Wednesday and the week of November 30th will be Tuesday and Thursday. Meal distribution will return to Mondays and Thursdays the week of December 7th.