Monday November 16th

All students (both Group A and Group B) will complete the prepared remote lesson for Day 1 of this week already in Canvas.

 Tuesday November 17th – Friday, December 4th

All students (both Group A and Group B) will participate each school day.

Teachers will offer some portion of their lesson during the regularly scheduled class time live via Zoom or Teams each day. Students should check their Canvas course for information about times and for links to the sessions.  Students attending these sessions will be marked present for the day.

Students that are unable to attend the live sessions will still have the opportunity to complete the remote lesson for that day in Canvas for attendance and grading using the same five-day due date we have been using for remote learning.

Item / Textbook Pick Up

Any student that needs to pick up necessary items from school may call the high school tomorrow starting at 7:30 AM to make arrangements for pick up.   Students that are currently on quarantine should send another individual to pick up the items.

Meal Distribution

All High School students can pick up meals Monday between 12:30-1:30 pm at the back kitchen door (Door O) for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  Another meal distribution will be held on Thursday for Thursday, Friday and the weekend.   The Thursday distribution will include the popular “Harvest Feast”. This week, students do not need to pre-order. However, we will start a pre-order for next week.

Admiral Peary Vo-Tech Students

Admiral Peary Vo-Tech students will participate in their vo-tech classes virtually at this time as well using the vo-tech Google Classrooms.