This will help our customers understand why adult meal prices are higher compared to student meal pricing.
Dear Faculty Members:
Thank you for your support and patronage of the school food service program. We recognize you as one of our valued customers.
Often we are asked about the pricing structure for adult meals. We would like to take this opportunity to explain our pricing structure to you. As you are aware, the adult price is slightly higher than the student price even though the adults receive the same menu items and portion sizes. The reason for the higher prices is that we do not receive State and Federal reimbursement for adult meals as we do for student meals. For every student meal we serve, the food service program receives State and Federal subsidy, and USDA donated commodity foods. We can receive anywhere from $.455 to $2.405 per meal in additional subsidy depending on the student’s eligibility. Since we do not receive reimbursement for adult meals, the adult meals are priced to cover the actual cost to prepare the meal. This includes both food and labor costs.
In addition, there are state guidelines that influence our pricing structure. One of them states that when a school participates in an “offer verses serve” program (students can decline one or two meal items), the unit price for the entire meal must be more economical than the individual ala carte prices. We hope that you will agree that even though adult meals are slightly more expensive than student meals, they are still a great bargain. We feel certain that a similar meal could not be purchased outside the school for less money.
Again, we appreciate your business. We strive to satisfy the needs of all of our customers. Should you have additional questions or requests, please do not hesitate to speak to your Food Service Director. We are always happy to hear from you.