
Elementary Title Programs Parent Feedback Data- 2024
Please see attached for data from our annual Title 1 and Title IIA Parent Feedback Survey.  This data is used to prepare our schoolwide plans and our federal consolidated application for Title programs.  Thank you! PC ELEMENTARY TITLE PROGRAM PARENT SURVEY RESULTS - MAY 2024
2023 Parent School Climate Survey Results
Please see below for a summary of the May 2023 PA School Climate Parent Survey results.  Thank you to our families who completed the survey and helped provide us with valuable information from a parent perspective. PCSD Parent Climate Survey May 2023 Results  
Sunscreen Use and Act 105 of 2018
Under Act 105 of 2018, you child will be permitted to bring/apply sunscreen products in school if you complete and submit the sunscreen form provided here to your child's school. Sunscreen Use Parent Form In addition, all students will be permitted to use sun-protective clothing (ex: hats) while outdoors.  All...
Bullying Prevention Consultation Line
The Bullying Prevention Consultation Line is a toll-free number that allows individuals experiencing chronic and unresolved bullying to discuss effective strategies and available resources to deal with school-based bullying. This resource was developed in collaboration with the Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (CHPDP), and is available, at no...
Keystone Exams and PSSA’s
Links under Information & Resources contain updated information for parents and students about Keystone Exams and PSSA test dates and test content.
K-12 Voluntary Student Accident Insurance
Voluntary Student Accident Insurance Coverage is available through A-G Administrators LLC. Brochure (Attached) Enrollment Packet (Attached) Claim Procedures (Attached) Claim Form (Attached) Website - A-G Administrators LLC - K-12 Voluntary Student Accident
Updated Parent Volunteer Clearance Information
Updated volunteer information is posted under Information and Resources.
Resources for Families Impacted by Military Deployment